Tuesday, January 24, 2017

10 Questions with Ash from the Skyhoppers Podcast

Ash from The Skyhoppers Podcast was on the other day to talk about her awesome hand crafted Kanan styled sleep masks (Which you can win! See details below!).  And like all guests on the show, I did not let her escape without first sitting through my 10 Stoopid Questions.  Ten questions, and only ten seconds to answer each one!  How did she do?  Have a listen to find out!

Okay, here's how you can win the Kanan-styled sleep mask.  Simply post a sleep-themed Star Wars photo on Twitter, use the hashtag #SleepyStarWars and tag both @TwelveParPod and @SWSkyhoppers.  What is a sleep-themed photo? Let us see your favorite Star Wars pajamas, or your bed with the Star Wars sheets, blankets and pillows, or maybe it's a photo of you snuggled up with your favorite Star Wars plush toy and bed time story book.  Or anything else you can come up with!

We will pull a name from random on February 28th!  Thanks for playing, and good luck!

Links for The Skyhoppers Podcast...
Twitter - @SWSkyhoppers