Thursday, January 26, 2017

My Star Wars Origin Story

 I have nothing new to talk about today, so I'm gonna talk about something old. I'm gonna steal an old idea from The Expanded Fandomverse podcast. On that show, we would ask guests for their Star Wars origin story; how they first fell in love with that galaxy far far away. I'm gonna share with you how I was introduced to the greatest franchise  in the history of cinema.

Now these childhood memories are just at, childhood memories. And childhood memories can be mushy and malleable. Sure, I could go back and ask my mom for verification on the story, but I'm not going to. I like it as it is. So I'm gonna share you with you the mythology that has built up in my brain for the last  40 years.

But hey, I want to hear your story as well. Email me at, or connect with me on any of my social media links.